Features Editor
Sara Sajjad

Sara Sajjad (‘23) is a Features Editor. Her favorite topics to write about include student interest stories, important Léman events, and community perspectives. In her free time, she loves leading Model United Nations and the Debate Team, as well as being an avid Taylor Swift fan.
Recent Articles
A Struggling Community: Turbulence Strikes the Léman Mental Health Department
The abrupt resignation of the Lower School psychologist, Monique Ross, has forced Upper School counselors: J. Denise (JD) Fuller and Jillian Wolinsky, to split their time between the Lower and Upper schools. This current compromise has proven to be one that has had rippling effects on the Leman community.
By Sara Sajjad & Charli Reda •
Homecoming: Léman Starts 2023 With a Bang!
The annual dance invites students to come out and celebrate coming together to have a good time. With the success of last year’s dance and the boat party earlier in the year, students were excited to return to a night of fun.
By Sara Sajjad •
Bad Blood: Taylor Swift & The Ticketmaster Fiasco
Taylor Swift has finally decided to go back on tour, but not without Ticketmaster creating chaos around its presale and general.
By Sara Sajjad •
New Year, New Administration: Dean Miller and Dr. Leonardatos Join the Leman Community
With a new school year comes a new administration. Mr. Miller and Dr. L have joined our Léman community and are ready to make a difference. What are their goals for the year, and what goals do students have for them?
By Sara Sajjad •