
How Art Therapy Affects Mental Health

By Keito Orii

I’m sure you have doodled in class before, probably to reduce your stress and entertain yourself. Art has been suggested as an effective way to improve mental health as well as having many other benefits.
According to research from Radboud University and the KenVAK (Research Centre for Art Therapies in the Netherlands), art therapy plays a role in reducing the symptoms of mental illness and increasing positive mental health. In their experiment, they investigate whether or not the arts are correlated with mental illness, positive mental health, or both. They also studied the relationship between mental illness and mental health. To examine the questions, the researchers conducted an experiment using data from randomized controlled trials during a 10-week art therapy program followed by a structured intervention protocol for patients with personality disorders. The data from the experiment showed that there is a strong correlation between mental health and mental illness, indicating that the distinctions between them are poor. The article concluded that art therapy is effective in reducing the symptoms of mental illness and increasing positive mental health.
The University of Calgary also researches the relationship between the arts and mental health. The article states that the arts positively influence an individual's mental health. Paintings aren’t the only way to conduct this therapy, dancing can be used to cure mental health problems in the field of therapy and can be efficient in non-art therapy situations. It was found that an increase in children's learning performance occurs when art is implemented in the learning process at school. In the article, neurotic research is mentioned to support the idea, highlighting that producing art reduces one's cortisol level which affects stress levels and benefits mental health. Since art allows humans to explore themselves and try new things, it provides opportunities to expand creativity. Furthermore, art gives the brain a break, as the part activated during artmaking differs from the part of the brain used during speech.
Even viewing art can help with mental health, as seen in an article from Discover Magazine. The article mentions a study that shows how viewing art can lessen people's loneliness and stress by allowing them to find meaning in their lives. Viewing art also helps people to understand themselves and their emotions, as said by Professor Ikuko Acosta at NYU. Moreover, the study showed that viewing art activates a brain activity similar to what happens as a response to happy experiences. Furthermore, artworks can create a better mood and provide wellness to lives.
Although there are many advantages to engaging with art, the number of people who visit museums are decreasing, and nowadays there are places where people view artworks online, such as online art exhibitions. The question is whether or not viewing art online is beneficial. To answer this, the same article says “According to the recent Frontiers in Psychology study, even briefly viewing cultural interventions online led to improvements in mood, anxiety, loneliness and wellbeing.”These days, many people are suffering from mental illness and negative mental health. It’s important for people to be more aware of mental health and take proactive steps to maintain it. Engaging with art, whether creating or viewing, is a very crucial and effective way to increase positive well-being. It not only provides many benefits, but it also is accessible to everyone. So, don’t forget next time when you start sketching or doodling that you are working to maintain your positive mental health.